Local Counseling Resources
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Miscellaneous Resources
- Listen to one of our favorite talks: The Gospel in You by Tim Keller
- Watch Matt Chandler's Series, A Beautiful Design, to dive into biblical manhood and womanhood. We highly recommend the second talk, In His Image.
- Master Plan Studies (doc) - Discussion Questions for Master Plan of Evangelism book.
- Don't Waste Your Life (pdf) by John Piper
Staff Recommended Book Reading Lists
- Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick - Our identity as a beloved child of God, for women.
- Counter Culture by David Platt - challenges the status quo and living the American dream vs living Biblically
- Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller - Easy read, addresses the idols of our heart that won’t satisfy
- Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliott - Jim Elliott Biography
- To Live is Christ by Beth Moore - Bible study workbook of Paul
- Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones - Kids' Bible that is fabulous for adults too
- Changes that Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud - Boundaries, Bonding, becoming an adult… book I most often give away
- Transferable Concepts by Bill Bright - Free online!! Basics of Christian Living
- Lifechange Bible studies by NavPress - Choose a book of the Bible, grab one of these to help you study. I like 2 Timothy.
- God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew - Missionary Biography - underground church
- Gospel by J.D. Greear - Greear helps walk us through what is looks like to live a Gospel-centered life – and the freedom that comes from it.
- 10 Who Changed the World by Daniel Akin - Ten stories of men and women who gave it all for the King – and how God used them to change the world.
- Galatians by Philip Ryken - Commentary on the book of Galatians. Great resource to help you dive deeper into Scripture.
- The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel - Solid book on basic apologetics of the faith.
- The Story of Christianity by Justo L. Gonzalez - Great resource on the history of Christianity.
- God is the Gospel by John Piper - Good reminder on what the Gospel is all about.
- A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis - If you’ve ever lost someone you’ve loved, this is a good book to help begin to walk you through the mourning process.
- College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture by Stephen Lutz - This book contains a ton of valuable insight on what ministry should look like on a college campus.