Life is all about relationships, and we would love to help you get connected within Cru. Here are some opportunities to help you explore how to get connected to God and jump right in and get involved with Cru.
Community Groups
Community Groups are the core of Cru. Thursday nights are a lot of fun, but they can be a bit overwhelming. Community groups are where you can come and connect with others in smaller groups and enjoy authentic, biblical community.
There are Community Groups all over campus. Click here to link to our Community Group page or if you want to be a part of one, fill out the Sign Up Form below so we can give you the details of a Community in your area.
There are Community Groups all over campus. Click here to link to our Community Group page or if you want to be a part of one, fill out the Sign Up Form below so we can give you the details of a Community in your area.
Cru Core Values
When you first come to Cru, regardless of what year you are, we’ll invite you to go through a five-week, one-on-one study with a staff person on the basics of following Jesus. These lessons have proven incredibly helpful for hundreds of students before you, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. If you’re new, or if you’re old but you’ve never gone through Cru Core Values, we hope you’ll take us up on the offer.
You can use the Sign Up Form below to sign up for Cru Core Values.
You can use the Sign Up Form below to sign up for Cru Core Values.
Bridges (International Students)
We realize that going off to college is a major milestone. We also realize that going off to college in a foreign country is quite a step of faith! If you are an International student studying at Maryland, we have staff and students who would love to assist you, share cultures with you, practice English with you, and discuss spirituality.
Please join us Friday nights at 6pm for Bridges International Fellowship: A community of Americans and Internationals seeking to follow Jesus together. There will be dinner, fellowship, and Bible study.
If you are interested in joining us for a coffee hour. fellowship time or just meeting up, please send us an email or fill out the Sign up Form below.
Please join us Friday nights at 6pm for Bridges International Fellowship: A community of Americans and Internationals seeking to follow Jesus together. There will be dinner, fellowship, and Bible study.
If you are interested in joining us for a coffee hour. fellowship time or just meeting up, please send us an email or fill out the Sign up Form below.